An ever closer future
Virtual assistants and artificial intelligence resources are already part of our daily lives and will be increasingly present
Imagine waking up on a Monday morning, with your alarm clock ringing at 6:45 am, time calculated to give you another 15 minutes in bed, suggested by your phone's quality analysis of your sleep. When you get up, your virtual assistant turns on the light in your bathroom and starts playing your morning playlist to accompany your bath.
Getting out of the shower, the virtual assistant talks about her daily schedule, and suggests three clothing options from her closet that would help to impress at the meetings scheduled for her long day!
When you finish dressing, you hear your coffee machine turn on and start cooking, along with the sound of the toaster in your kitchen. Open the fridge, take the last yogurt that was there and put it in your bag, instantly receive a message on your cell phone to approve the order of replacement of the yoghurts, made by the refrigerator in your online supermarket.
Okay, the above scenario does not reflect your current morning well, but I can tell you that it is not far from being realized, since the technologies mentioned not only already exist, but could work with even more customizations than those described.
You may not have noticed how Artificial Intelligence has already changed some of our behaviors, expectations and relationships, and the transition was so natural that we often don't even remember how it was before. For example, there was a time when I used to spend a lot of time downloading songs and assembling playlists, which today doesn't make sense anymore, since the Spotify algorithm and its learning combines my eclectic taste and the new music perfectly to offer me very playlists. better than I could do. Or the ease that Google Translator offers to translate everything, including languages like Hebrew, Japanese and other different alphabets, with
image recognition functionality.
As well, online stores that use artificial intelligence, become the best salespeople I have ever interacted with, as they really end up knowing my style, and their suggestions, offers and omnipresence, are assertive and persuasive. It was more than once that I was surprised with ads on my social networks of products that I really needed at that time, many times, without even knowing the existence of the product.
The possibilities provided by the advance of artificial intelligence are impressive. In the United States it is believed that in 2020, 85% of consumers will carry out their interactions with the brand without speaking to any human being. Advances in robotics, cognitive computing and machine learning are already shaping a future for autonomous cars, integrated homes, smart cities and a lot of efficiency, customization and better services. All of this challenges me to learn and use my creativity to explore the best of this technology.
About the author
Andressa Del Rey
Co-Founder I2AISócia-fundadora da I2AI – International Association of Artificial Intelligence, hoje atuo como Head de estratégia e marketing do grupo. Acumulo mais de 24 anos de experiência profissional, tendo trabalhado em diversos setores econômicos como varejo, financeiro, industrial e serviços. Sempre com foco no cliente e olhar empreendedor, convergindo minhas habilidades humanas e comunicativas, com as de lógica e analítica para buscar resultados de sucesso.
Já liderei muitas equipes multi-diciplinares e tenho a habilidade de potencializar os talentos para a construção coletiva. Reuno experiência em processos, planejamento estratégico, inteligência de mercado, marketing estratégico, produtos e canais de venda e compras e negociação, o que me permite olhar o negócio como um todo e encontrar as melhores soluções que beneficie a cadeia.
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Encontro com o Notável Eugenio Garcia
Nosso Associado Eugenio Garcia - diplomata técnico no consulado geral do Brasil em São Francisco, vice-cônsul geral e chefe de ciência, tecnologia e inovação, ponto focal para o Vale do