Opportunity for Startups: South Summit Brazil Competition!
Inscripción hasta el 16 de diciembre de 2022 para participar del concurso South Summit Brasil 2023, uno de los principales eventos de Inversiones en Innovación.
I2AI supports South Summit Brazil, an event where not only the most disruptive startups will gather, but also the main speakers from around the world to share their knowledge, prominent international investors eager to create connections, leading companies to looking for business opportunities, and so on.
In short, the entire business ecosystem will be there! You can not miss this opportunity.
Learn more about the South Summit: https://www.southsummit.co/pt/brazil/
A super opportunity for Startups is the competition promoted by the event, which selects the best Startups to be presented to investors from around the world. Registration for this competition takes place until December 16, 2022 through the link: https://www.southsummit.co/pt/startup-competition-brazil/
A global competition, perfect for presenting innovative businesses! The Startup Competition at South Summit Brazil 2023 is the ideal place to gain prominence and have the possibility of being boosted by a large investment.
Last year, in its first edition in Brazil, the South Summit received 20,000 people, more than 1,000 Startups from 76 different countries
. networking, national and global investors and potential clients. You can't miss out on the Startup Competition at South Summit Brazil 2023, which will take place on March 29, 30 and 31 inPorto Alegre!
I2AI will be there!
About the author
Andressa Del Rey
Co-Founder I2AISócia-fundadora da I2AI – International Association of Artificial Intelligence, hoje atuo como Head de estratégia e marketing do grupo. Acumulo mais de 24 anos de experiência profissional, tendo trabalhado em diversos setores econômicos como varejo, financeiro, industrial e serviços. Sempre com foco no cliente e olhar empreendedor, convergindo minhas habilidades humanas e comunicativas, com as de lógica e analítica para buscar resultados de sucesso.
Já liderei muitas equipes multi-diciplinares e tenho a habilidade de potencializar os talentos para a construção coletiva. Reuno experiência em processos, planejamento estratégico, inteligência de mercado, marketing estratégico, produtos e canais de venda e compras e negociação, o que me permite olhar o negócio como um todo e encontrar as melhores soluções que beneficie a cadeia.
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