We recommend 10 AI books to give away at Christmas
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We recommend 10 AI books to give away at Christmas
Christmas is one of the most special times of the year and, therefore, the choice of gifts must be made with care. If you are in doubt about what to gift, a great option is a book. Books are useful gifts that can be enjoyed for a long time.
To help you choose the right book to give as a gift, we have separated 10 options with the Artificial Intelligence theme.
Artificial intelligence in our favor: How to keep control over technology. Portuguese Edition by Stuart Russell (Author), Berilo Vargas (Translator), Mateus Valadares (Cover Art) https://amzn.to/3h6IVWG
THE AI THOUGHT BOOK: Inspirational Thoughts & Quotes on Artificial Intelligence (including 13 colored illustrations & 3 essays for the fundamental understanding of AI) Paperback. English Editionhttps://amzn.to/3uAB9aR
THE ERA OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: How digital transformation imposes new challenges and solutions for successful businesses Paperback – January 29, 2021. Portuguese edition by Marco Iansiti (Author), Karim Lakhani ( Author)https://amzn.to/3FbkcbP
2041: How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Your Life in the Decades to Come Paperback – 27 July 2022 by Kai-Fu Lee (Author), Chen Qiufan (Author), Isadora Sinay (Translator)https://amzn.to/3W2pqNI
Artificial Intelligence: A Textbook (English Edition) eBook Kindle. English Edition by Charu C. Aggarwal https://amzn.to/3P8vxhk
What to Do When Machines Do Everything: How to Get Ahead in a World of Ai, Algorithms, Bots, and Big Data Hardcover – February 13, 2017
English Edition by Malcolm Frank (Author), Paul Roehrig (Author), Ben Pring (Author) https://amzn.to/3BjOuId
The Future Is Faster Than You Think https://amzn.to/3iJzQnc
Decision Strategies Paperback – Standard Edition, 23 November 2015 Portuguese Edition by Fernando Barrichelo (Author) https://amzn.to/3HiC7zR
Mental Transformations: How Digital Technologies Are Leaving Marks on Our Brains by Susan Greenfield (Author) https://amzn.to/ 3Y619Zi
Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World Illustrated Edition, Kindle Edition by Marco Iansiti (Author), Karim R. Lakhani https://amzn.to/3PmFkk7
About the author
Andressa Del Rey
Co-Founder I2AISócia-fundadora da I2AI – International Association of Artificial Intelligence, hoje atuo como Head de estratégia e marketing do grupo. Acumulo mais de 24 anos de experiência profissional, tendo trabalhado em diversos setores econômicos como varejo, financeiro, industrial e serviços. Sempre com foco no cliente e olhar empreendedor, convergindo minhas habilidades humanas e comunicativas, com as de lógica e analítica para buscar resultados de sucesso.
Já liderei muitas equipes multi-diciplinares e tenho a habilidade de potencializar os talentos para a construção coletiva. Reuno experiência em processos, planejamento estratégico, inteligência de mercado, marketing estratégico, produtos e canais de venda e compras e negociação, o que me permite olhar o negócio como um todo e encontrar as melhores soluções que beneficie a cadeia.
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Nosso Associado Eugenio Garcia - diplomata técnico no consulado geral do Brasil em São Francisco, vice-cônsul geral e chefe de ciência, tecnologia e inovação, ponto focal para o Vale do