Elections and Artificial Intelligence
The analytical methods of the “psychological operations” that gave rise to Cambridge Analytics are comprehensive, consistent, free of emotion and bias, which is why they are so powerful.
They identify the optimal point to accelerate or decelerate opportunities, optimize cost, deeply and adequately understand people and their motivations, among other relevant issues. If data capture, use of analyses, presentation of results and actions are carried out improperly, it is due to human nature, which in some situations, as is known, is oriented to its own benefits, even sacrificing people and truths of facts. .
This article analyzes voting in Brazil using Artificial Intelligence - AI techniques. There were 6,240 polling stations and around 107 million voter votes analyzed, where the main idea is to show the power and importance of AI to deal with topics of different orders in a consistent way, allowing relevant approaches and continuous evolution. If the data from this study are associated with data from education, health, economic indicators, etc. it will be possible to discover patterns that are not seen with the naked eye and make decisions relevant to the country. Behind the vow patterns are people, their characteristics, ways of thinking, desires, needs, fears, motivations, problems, etc. That is why much of the country can be understood from the scope of this study.
This article analyzes voting in Brazil using Artificial Intelligence - AI techniques. There were 6,240 polling stations and around 107 million voter votes analyzed, where the main idea is to show the power and importance of AI to deal with topics of different orders in a consistent way, allowing relevant approaches and continuous evolution. If the data from this study are associated with data from education, health, economic indicators, etc. it will be possible to discover patterns that are not seen with the naked eye and make decisions relevant to the country. Behind the vow patterns are people, their characteristics, ways of thinking, desires, needs, fears, motivations, problems, etc. That is why much of the country can be understood from the scope of this study.
tactical lyses, among other options.
According to the researched file, at the end of the first round, the distribution of votes was as follows.
Where marked in green, those who were best known in the presidential scenario by the population and, in blue, the least known in the presidential scenario. The colors above were chosen because they are the colors of the national flag.
It is noted that there is a fine division between a new government option versus the previous proposal. This assessment is not intended to be pejorative and is non-partisan. The analyzes here aim to seek points of comparison for the analyzes that will follow, using AI.
The acronyms above mean:
PDT Democratic Labor Party
PT Workers' Party
MDB Brazilian Democratic Movement
PSTU Unified Socialist Workers Party
PSL Social Liberal Party
NETWORK Sustainability Network
CAN we can
DC Christian Democracy
NEW New Party
PSDB Brazilian Social Democracy Party
PSOL Socialism and Freedom Party
The analysis script is:
Selection of TSE electoral zone data
Understanding of data modeling and remodeling so that the data can be understood by the methods employed here.
Data analysis. Here there is an intensive AI knowledge process to ensure fairness in pattern discovery.
Here it can be seen that these are areas where the candidates who polarized the dispute were very close. If we look at it from the perspective of all parties, the parties with the greatest role in recent decades (green) had the majority, with 59%.
These many zones with the vote percentage profile as in the table above were distributed throughout Brazil, as can be seen in the map below, where each bubble represents the size of the electoral zone. Where bubbles are not seen, it is because there are many overlapping zones, but it is interesting to note that this zone profile was distributed throughout Brazil.
Una de las bellezas y la gran oportunidad de usar la Inteligencia Artificial se demuestra en el siguiente mapa. También hace referencia al grupo 1. Según el estudio realizado, las siguientes zonas son las que mejor representan las zonas del mapa superior. Esta es una excelente manera de realizar investigaciones a un menor costo y con mayor asertividad, implementación de estrategias, planes de acción y análisis de resultados. Sea cual sea el tipo de trabajo, si un plan de acción utiliza con éxito las siguientes zonas, el plan se extiende a las otras zonas con menos riesgo de error. Limpia por fases, asegurando un mejor control y evolución.
A Inteligência Artificial ajuda na compreensão consistente de temas, na montagem de estratégias vencedoras, no desenvolvimento de diversas ordens, na manutenção da dinâmica de operações e em planos de ação avassaladores. A Inteligência Artificial, considerada a nova revolução industrial, tem a grande oportunidade de distribuição de riquezas.
Por fim, é uma tentação não falar de política, principalmente porque temos uma inversão do princípio da representação política no Brasil. Grande parcela da população brasileira representa incondicionalmente algum político e/ou partido e não o contrário, o que é muito grave. Quando uma população empodera pessoas acima do bem e do mal, ela deixa de enxergar a agenda positiva do país e passa a defender a agenda do político. É quando o político faz o que quer e o país anda de lado.
A IA segue sendo discutida e acelerada em outras nações, com participação de governos, empresas e personalidades, visando desenvolvimento tecnológico, econômico e social. Seu papel na construção do futuro é imprescindível e o Brasil precisa ter uma agenda realizadora e inclusiva. A demora no desenvolvimento aumenta a distância econômica e competitiva para países que estão acelerando. Por isso a importância de se cobrar uma agenda do país, que evolua independente de político e políticas.
A principal conclusão que se quer chamar atenção aqui é da importância da IA para o desenvolvimento do país e empresas de todos os segmentos e portes. Há uma urgência em estar posicionado, preparado e evoluído no tema de agora até 2030.
About the author
Ricardo Villaça
Chief Artificial Intelligence OfficerRead too
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Encontro com o Notável Eugenio Garcia
Nosso Associado Eugenio Garcia - diplomata técnico no consulado geral do Brasil em São Francisco, vice-cônsul geral e chefe de ciência, tecnologia e inovação, ponto focal para o Vale do