Skills for educating in the age of AI and the challenges of the Brazilian context
Ana Paula Almeida, Andreza Garcia Lopes, Maria Clara Martins Rocha e Maria Regina Lins
On January 14, 2024, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published the report entitledGen-AI: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work. Some data from this report were presented at the World Economic Forum, in the city of Davos, Switzerland, held between January 15th and 19th.
Research developed and presented by the World Economic Forum points out that, in general, AI is stimulating the creation of more jobs than it is eliminating. However, the IMF report indicates that artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on jobs, even affecting40% of jobs worldwide.
A fact that draws attention demonstrates that Artificial Intelligence will advance in the most developed countries. The study shows that, in advanced economies, around60% of jobs could be impacted by AI. In emerging markets and low-income countries, however, the proportion is 40% and 26%, respectively
The report highlights that, of the almost 40% of global jobs exposed to AI, half will benefit from the use of technology and increased productivity. For the other half, AI tools will perform tasks currently performed by humans, which can reduce labor demand, leading to lower wages and fewer hires. In the most extreme cases, some of these jobs may disappear (FORBES, 2024).
The report warns that AI could worsen pay inequalities, particularly harming the middle class, but could also result in increased income. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva draws attention to the fact that many countries and regions do not have the infrastructure or skilled workforce to harness the benefits of AI. Over time, according to her, “technology can worsen inequalities between countries and within the same nation” (IMF REPORT, 2024). Workers who can leverage AI see their productivity gains and wages increase, while those who can't fall behind.
Given this scenario,It is urgent to think about new education, training, and training, far beyond the plasticized training logic. If requalification efforts are not undertaken, this trend will only worsen.
Regarding education, the IMF Report highlights:
“College-educated workers are better prepared to transition from jobs at risk of displacement to high-complementarity jobs; older workers may be more vulnerable to AI-driven transformation.” (IMF REPORT, 2024)
In relation to education, the Report points out that, in all countries examined, higher levels of education are associated with a greater share of employment in high-exposure occupations, but this is especially pronounced in occupations with high complementarity (IMF REPORT, 2024 ). This means that the higher level of exposure supports the popular view that, unlike automation, AI may hit highly skilled workers harder.
Therefore, it is necessary for countries' government strategies to consider identifying potentially vulnerable groups as a priority, targeting specific training. Developing a set of policies can be an important step as a way of exploring the vast potential of AI, considering social development and the inclusion of workers as a way of bringing benefits and development.
Research Coordinator, LTI Digital-UFBA
Doctor in Education (UFBA). Post-Doctor in Information Science (UNB). Professor at UFBA. Permanent Professor at PPGE-UFBA. Researcher at PPGCI-UFSCar. Lead researcher at the Informational Technologies and Sociodigital Inclusion Laboratory (LTI Digital - ltidigital.ufba.br). Open Knowledge Foundation Civic Innovation Ambassador.
Currently researching AI Applications in Education.
Doctor in Education (UFBA). Post-Doctor in Information Science (UNB). Professor at UFBA. Permanent Professor at PPGE-UFBA. Researcher at PPGCI-UFSCar. Lead researcher at the Informational Technologies and Sociodigital Inclusion Laboratory (LTI Digital - ltidigital.ufba.br). Open Knowledge Foundation Civic Innovation Ambassador.
Atualmente realiza investigação das Aplicações de IA na Educação.
Ana Paula Almeida, Andreza Garcia Lopes, Maria Clara Martins Rocha e Maria Regina Lins
The now Buzzing AI revolution in the financial sector
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