On-line March 22, 2023, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

AI Boost

Um BOOST de IA para sua estratégia de negócios


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What will you learn:

Brief introduction of AI technologies: we will cover machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, RPA, IOT and Analytics.
Tasks, issues, and opportunities within processes that can benefit from using AI technologies: We will present favorable situations and use cases where AI technologies an bring about efficiency improvements, automation, or value creation.
Process for building an AI component that will be incorporated into a company's system to create and capture value: we will cover the five main steps, from defining the problem or business opportunity, preparing data, building a business model. AI, deployment and analysis, and evolution.
Alternatives for starting or advancing in the use of AI technology: we will cover the ways to apply AI in your company, whether by ready-made solutions, contracting services or even developing in-house.


AI encompasses a set of technologies that can transform tasks and processes, generating additional value for companies and professionals. Finding these use cases where technology can be applied requires knowledge of what the technology is capable of and a new view on problems and opportunities.

In this course, you will be exposed to the main capabilities of AI technologies and how to identify problems and opportunities in your company's tasks and processes in which they can be applied. In addition, you will understand the steps of a project to implement any AI technique that changes or creates a new task, culminating in a new generation of value, such as increased revenue, reduced costs, or both. Finally, you will receive a set of ideas regarding “Where should I start?” or even “What alternatives does my company have to implement some AI technology?”.

About the Instructor

Onédio Siqueira Seabra Junior

Presidente da I2AI, Coordenador da Comissão de Tecnologia da Informação Quântica pela ABNT, Speaker, Pesquisador e Coronel do Exército Brasileiro. É um profissional extremamente qualificado e experiente em diferentes áreas. Possui mestrado em Governança, Tecnologia e Inovação, pela Universidade Católica de Brasília, bem como especializações em Ciências Militares, Bases Geo-Históricas, Engenharia de Sistemas, Ciência de Dados, Inteligência Artificial e Educação a Distância, além de vários MBAs, como em Administração Imobiliária, Gestão Pública Federal, Inteligência Artificial, Gestão de Projetos e Nova Lei de Licitações.
Além disso, é membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, bem como do Grupo de Excelência em Processo Prospectivo e Construção de Cenários - CRA-SP.