
Publicado em April 15, 2021

The Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Strategy

There's still a lot to do

The Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Strategy 

There is still a lot to do - by Alexandre Del Rey


In April we had the official publication of the Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. Looking superficially is great news, we finally have a document consolidating the main concerns and the paths to be followed for the adoption and use of the main set of disruptive technologies of today that we coined the name of Artificial Intelligence.


With the release of its strategy, Brazil is among the countries that placed plow Artificial Intelligence as fundamental to the future of society and business. The document that was opened for public consultation in late 2019 and remained open for collaboration during the first months of 2020 in this regard is a milestone.


The problem is that the good news stops there. When looking at the document in more detail, it is clear that in addition to good intention, much is missing. It is far from being a strategic guide for the government, for organizations, for society, for professionals and citizens. There is no clear strategy proposal, there is no set of structuring actions that allow a successful journey towards the leading nations of adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the world. And this is worrying.


To be fair, the document provides a good overview of some of the main reflections that Artificial Intelligence brings to countries and to society. There is talk of the importance of Regulation, of having Governance criteria to guarantee ethics, individual rights, transparency, responsibility, justice. It mentions the need for international collaboration. Also choose good vertical axes for discussion:

(1) Q base ualificações for the digital future: how to include the technology in basic education.  

(2) Training and re-training: how to guarantee the updating of professionals for the new digital world , and the transformation and guarantee of employment  

(3) Research & Development: how to ensure that research and the application of scientific and technological development takes place.  

(4) Productive applications: how to facilitate the adoption of AI technologies by companies and organizations  

(5) Applications in the public sector: how to incorporate the benefits of technology to society  

(6) Public security: fundamental aspects of the use of AI are discussed to promote better public security .  


In this sense, the document promotes good reflections and makes a good selection of priority themes. What is missing? Strategy is missing!


See the full document: https://www.gov.br/mcti/pt-br/acom Champagne-o- mcti/ transformacaodigital/ arquivosinteligenciaartificial/ ia_portaria_mcti_4-617_2021.pdf


When reading the document, the greatest expectation was in the set of strategic actions, definition of paths, articulators, organizations, mechanisms, resources, deadlines, responsible, which is definitely not, or at most, very timidly outlined . The Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Strategy is more a set of good intentions and a justified concern with the main themes for reflection on the adoption of Artificial Intelligence today than a Strategic Plan . The document lacked the essence, with clear paths for pragmatic execution. Who will make the Brazilian Strategy happen? What are the next steps? Until when will we have part or all of the ideas included in the document as a reality?


I would say that having clarity in the use and adoption of technologies linked to Artificial Intelligence needs to be one of the main topics of any government or company. In the case of Brazil, it is good that the theme has caused the necessary mobilization to promote reflection on the impacts that technology will cause on business and society, but there is still much to do in transforming this set of concerns into concrete and mobilizing actions. that can promote a true digital transformation in the country.


N a I2AI - International Association of Artificial Intelligence, a non-profit association that I am a founder of, has collaborated in what is possible with government and private actions to promote the efficient and responsible adoption of AI. We work closely with Softex to map and encourage AI Startups in the country, work together with Embrapii on the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Network for the use of public investment in applied research in organizations, and support with ideas and proposals in the formulation of the Brazilian Strategy of AI. We have all the conditions to lead this movement in the public sphere and we are available.


We want to continue to collaborate in the construction of this future, and for that we need much more than we have in relation to a National Strategy. We need responsible people, we need resources, we need more concrete actions, we need to get out of inertia. So the message goes, Brazil took an important step to insert itself as a nation that is truly concerned with its digital future, but the step taken is insufficient for us to be successful in this journey. We will need more, much more, and in this sense, all help is welcome !

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About the author

Alexandre Del Rey
Sempre aprendendo

Alexandre Del Rey

Conselheiro & Founder I2AI

Conselheiro fundador da I2AI – Associação Internacional de Inteligência Artificial. Também é sócio-fundador da Engrama, sócio da Startup Egronn, e na consultoria Advance e investidor na startup Agrointeli . Tem mais de 20 anos de experiência em multinacionais como Siemens, Eaton e Voith, com vivência em países e culturas tão diversas como Estados Unidos, Alemanha e China.
Palestrante internacional, professor, pesquisador, autor, empreendedor serial, e amante de tecnologia. É apaixonado pelo os temas de Estratégia, Inteligência Competitiva e Inovação.
É Doutor em Gestão da Inovação e Mestre em Redes Bayesianas (abordagem de IA) pela FEA-USP. É pós-graduado em Administração pela FGV e graduado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Unicamp.

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