R&D and Artificial Intelligence: a great leap for humanity
The impact of the launch of SpaceX and its relationship with R&D and AI
Check the Artificial Intelligence News
The impact of the launch of SpaceX and its relationship with R&D and AI
Check out the highlights of the 3rd Artificial Intelligence Symposium held in 2020
In the last decades, we have experienced an exponential growth of technologies, however, we are so used to them that we are not aware of their effects. Is technology our ally or enemy?
Much more than a threat, like any technology that promotes major social changes, Artificial Intelligence can be seen as a great opportunity for careers and business.
A vision-based solution helps to monitor the recommended social distance in pandemic times
Algorithms are the secrets of the most valuable digital companies
Artificial Intelligence is an ally in monitoring COVID cases and a weapon to create business digitization solutions
Understand how Deep Learning, Generative Adversarial Network and Machine Learning can create powerful hybrid architectures
In this live, Alexandro Romeira and Alexandre Del Rey from I2AI comment on the highlights of WebSummit 2019
What happens now is a new revolution: a set of new technologies will take human society to another level